Sustainability Hub
Businesses impact on the environment in a variety of different ways, and Alliance Leisure are no different. We are therefore thoroughly committed to diminishing our impact on the environment through our services and operations.
Browse the ways in which we are addressing and reducing our impact on the environment:
What We Do
Alliance Leisure has extensive experience in aiding local authorities with their Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme applications and subsequent projects.
This regularly involves either retrofitting existing buildings with energy saving measures, and incorporating renewable energy technologies
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Alliance Leisure provides regular education and training for employees on ways that they, and we, can live and work more sustainably.
Alliance Leisure is currently working towards becoming a Carbon Literate organisation. Our expectation is to achieve Bronze status in 2024 and work towards Silver accreditation in early 2025.
All our staff have received training and are recognised as Carbon Literate.
We meticulously monitor and actively work to decrease our office resource use, including paper, energy, and digital data, all of which contributes to our Carbon Footprint.
Through the implementation of a travel policy, employees have all the means necessary to travel sustainably. We have also transitioned to a more sustainable fleet, comprised entirely of hybrid and fully electric vehicles.
Developing a Sustainable Project
Consultation and Assessment
Alliance Leisure will collaborate with the Local Authority to understand their specific energy and sustainability needs. A thorough assessment of the existing facilities will be conducted to identify areas for improvement and potential energy saving measures
Proposal and Project Planning
Based on the assessment, Alliance Leisure will develop a comprehensive proposal outlining the recommended energy efficiency measures and renewably energy solutions. The proposal will consider factors such as budget, expected energy savings, and the environmental impact.
Funding Applications
Alliance Leisure can assist the Local Authority in navigating the funding application process, ensuring that all necessary paperwork and documentation are in place to secure the funding from the PSDS.
Project Delivery
Once the funding is secured, Alliance Leisure will oversee the project delivery, managing contractors, timelines, and ensuring that all aspects of the energy saving measures are installed according to the plan.
Monitoring and Evaluation
After project completion, Alliance Leisure may provide support in monitoring and evaluating the energy savings achieved, ensuring the expected benefits are realised.
Case Studies
Knaresborough Leisure and Wellness Centre
To achieve this building’s impressive BREAAM ‘Excellent’ rating, a fabric-first approach to the building design was adopted, and utilised the energy hierarchy was utilised; Be Lean, Be Clean, Be Green, to eliminate energy need and minimise energy use. A number of architectural and building fabric measures (passive design) plus energy efficient services (active design) have been incorporated, including:
- 2 high efficiency air source heat pumps
- 100 380W roof-mounted photovoltaic (solar) panels providing an estimated yield of 32,452 kWh per annum
- Low SPF ventilation plant and high efficiency inverter drives
- Building management system
- LED lighting throughout with high lumen circuit watt values
- Smart lighting control
Hyndburn Leisure Centre
Project details: PSDS Phase 1; scope included converting the primary heating system to Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP), removing all gas boilers, with replacement Air Handling Units (AHU) to improve energy efficiency, with installation of LED lighting throughout the facility and Solar PV Panels
CO2 Reduction Per Annum: 362 tonnes
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