With a significant portion of district and unitary councils’ direct carbon emissions attributed to public leisure facilities, there is a pressing need for energy efficiency and reducing carbon footprints.
We recognise that all businesses impact on the environment in a variety of different ways. As such we are committed to the continual improvement of our environmental performance in relation to our services, operations and how we approach developments.
Browse the ways in which we are addressing and reducing our impact on the environment:
Knaresborough Leisure & Wellness Centre
Client: North Yorkshire Council
To achieve new-build leisure centre’s impressive BREAAM ‘Excellent’ rating, a fabric-first approach to the building design was adopted, and utilised the energy hierarchy was utilised; Be Lean, Be Clean, Be Green, to eliminate energy need and minimise energy use. A number of architectural and building fabric measures (passive design) plus energy efficient services (active design) have been incorporated, including:
- 2 high efficiency air source heat pumps
- 100 380W roof-mounted photovoltaic (solar) panels providing an estimated yield of 32,452 kWh per annum
- Low SPF ventilation plant and high efficiency inverter drives
- Building management system
- LED lighting throughout with high lumen circuit watt values
- Smart lighting control
Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Centre
Client: Merthyr Tydfil County Borough
Project Details
Gas fuelled boilers were replaced by more efficient air source heat pumps, a move that is expected to cut carbon emissions by 61%. Solar panels were also added to the roof and all lighting was upgraded to LED, a much more sustainable option.
Harrogate Leisure & Wellness Centre
Client: North Yorkshire Council
Project Details
The refurbishment of this beloved local leisure centre incorporated new fabric elements with thermal properties that exceeded the requirements of standard building regulations. Some of the sustainable features installed in the building were:
- 2 high efficiency air source heat pumps to replace the existing gas fired boilers and inefficient chiller
- 367 x 400W roof mounted photovoltaic panels
- Low SFP ventilation plant and high efficiency inverter drives
- LED lighting throughout with high lumen circuit watt values
- Smart lighting control
These elements will contribute to a projected 32% reduction in CO2 emission and 35% reduction in energy consumption compared to the original building.
Teignbridge District Council
Sites: Teignmouth Lido, Broadmeadow Leisure Centre
Project Details
PSDS Phase 1; at Teignmouth Lido scope included installation of one ASHP and two Grundfos circulation pumps, a Battery Storage system, and Solar PV panels.
At Broadmeadow Leisure Centre, scope included low energy lighting and sensors, Solar PV panels, new plant room equipment, and a Battery Storage system.
Hyndburn Leisure Centre
Client: Hyndburn Borough Council
Project Details
PSDS Phase 1; scope included converting the primary heating system to Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP), removing all gas boilers, with replacement Air Handling Units (AHU) to improve energy efficiency, with installation of LED lighting throughout the facility and Solar PV Panels
CO2 Reduction Per Annum: 362 tonnes