How we work.


Our approach to local authority leisure developments, honed over 25 years, has been developed to complement the pressures and requirements faced by local authorities, ensuring a smooth and thorough development process to complete your project.

Working with a Development Partner
RIBA-Aligned Approach
The UK Leisure Framework

Working With a Development Partner

  • Alliance Leisure provides a unique complete leisure development solution, from initial feasibility and business planning through to design, build, and funding if required. We also has the capability to provide ongoing support and partnership through TA6 (our in-house division delivering client service and marketing support), if required, to assist our clients achieve their transformation successfully.

  • A key benefit to our approach is the management and mitigation of risk. We will enter into contract with you to deliver the project at an agreed sum. We will also enter into the building contract, giving protection should there be any cost overruns (subject to an apportioned risk register).

  • Undertaking a leisure development typically involves finding and co-ordinating several companies, but with Alliance Leisure you will have one agreement, one relationship. We will look to absorb project headaches, supporting you through the project delivery process in an efficient and effective manner.

Explore the types of projects we deliver

RIBA-Aligned Approach

Our approach to projects is aligned with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Plan of Work 2020, ensuring a clear, logical, and thorough progression for you; our client, us, and our supply chain.
What makes Alliance Leisure different is the breadth of our support – we work alongside our clients from RIBA 0, Strategic Definition, right through to RIBA 7, Use, and beyond.
A Transparent and Efficient Procurement Process: The UK Leisure Framework

After an OJEU-compliant competitive tendering process, Alliance Leisure were appointed as lead development partner of the UK Leisure Framework, which allows for the direct appointment of ALS as a development partner for the scoping, design, refurbishment, construction and the development of sport, leisure, and other cultural facilities across the UK public sector.


Further, appointing Alliance Leisure via the UK Leisure Framework enables us to activate our extensive, trusted supply chain, allowing the project to progress without the hassle of tendering and procuring a host of separate suppliers.

Click to learn more about the UK Leisure Framework


Can we help you with a leisure project?

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